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Showing 40 - 52 of 130

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Dataset search in biodiversity research: Do metadata in data repositories reflect scholarly information needs?

Felicitas Löffler, Valentin Wesp, Birgitta König-Ries, Friederike Klan

Anne O’Tate: Value-added PubMed search engine for analysis and text mining

Neil R. Smalheiser, Dean P. Fragnito, Eric E. Tirk

Hospital discharge data is not accurate enough to monitor the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage

Diana Walther, Patricia Halfon,  [ ... ], Marie-Annick Le Pogam

Semantic text mining in early drug discovery for type 2 diabetes

Lena K. Hansson, Rasmus Borup Hansen,  [ ... ], Jan Nygaard Jensen

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