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Showing 27 - 39 of 1,012

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Environmental non-governmental organizations and global environmental discourse

Stefan Partelow, Klara Johanna Winkler, Gregory M. Thaler

The impacts of economic globalization on agricultural value added in developing countries

Agus Dwi Nugroho, Priya Rani Bhagat, Robert Magda, Zoltan Lakner

Global drivers of food system (un)sustainability: A multi-country correlation analysis

Christophe Béné, Jessica Fanzo,  [ ... ], Camila Bonilla Cedrez

Do business records management affect business growth?

Clement Mintah, Mohamed Gabir, Felicia Aloo, Elvis Kwame Ofori

When Is Spillover from Marine Reserves Likely to Benefit Fisheries?

Colin D. Buxton, Klaas Hartmann, Robert Kearney, Caleb Gardner

Bees for Development: Brazilian Survey Reveals How to Optimize Stingless Beekeeping

Rodolfo Jaffé, Nathaniel Pope,  [ ... ], Vera Lucia Imperatriz-Fonseca

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: A Novel Multistock Spatial Model for Assessing Population Biomass

Nathan G. Taylor, Murdoch K. McAllister,  [ ... ], Barbara A. Block

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