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Showing 27 - 39 of 243

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Obesity/Type II diabetes alters macrophage polarization resulting in a fibrotic tendon healing response

Jessica E. Ackerman, Michael B. Geary,  [ ... ], Alayna E. Loiselle

Costs and Effectiveness of Treatment Alternatives for Proximal Caries Lesions

Falk Schwendicke, Hendrik Meyer-Lueckel,  [ ... ], Sebastian Paris

Patterns of Hamstring Muscle Tears in the General Population: A Systematic Review

Barbara Kuske, David F. Hamilton, Sam B. Pattle, A. Hamish R. W. Simpson

Establishment of an enhanced recovery after surgery protocol in minimally invasive heart valve surgery

Jens C. Kubitz, Leonie Schulte-Uentrop,  [ ... ], Evaldas Girdauskas

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