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Showing 742 - 754 of 762

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The Relationship between Anogenital Distance, Fatherhood, and Fertility in Adult Men

Michael L. Eisenberg, Michael H. Hsieh,  [ ... ], Larry I. Lipshultz

Dopamine-Induced Apoptosis of Lactotropes Is Mediated by the Short Isoform of D2 Receptor

Daniela Betiana Radl, Jimena Ferraris,  [ ... ], Daniel Pisera

Harnessing Naturally Occurring Tumor Immunity: A Clinical Vaccine Trial in Prostate Cancer

Mayu O. Frank, Julia Kaufman,  [ ... ], Robert B. Darnell

Low CD10 mRNA Expression Identifies High-Risk Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)

Jérôme Toussaint, Virginie Durbecq,  [ ... ], Christos Sotiriou

Estrogen Regulates Estrogen Receptors and Antioxidant Gene Expression in Mouse Skeletal Muscle

Kristen A. Baltgalvis, Sarah M. Greising, Gordon L. Warren, Dawn A. Lowe

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