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Showing 27 - 39 of 99

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Fire forbids fifty-fifty forest

Egbert H. van Nes, Arie Staal,  [ ... ], Marten Scheffer

Percolation in protein sequence space

Patrick C. F. Buchholz, Silvia Fademrecht, Jürgen Pleiss

Statistical physics of balance theory

Andres M. Belaza, Kevin Hoefman,  [ ... ], Koen Schoors

The generalized Simpson’s entropy is a measure of biodiversity

Michael Grabchak, Eric Marcon, Gabriel Lang, Zhiyi Zhang

Opinion formation with time-varying bounded confidence

YunHong Zhang, QiPeng Liu, SiYing Zhang

A framework for analyzing contagion in assortative banking networks

Thomas R. Hurd, James P. Gleeson, Sergey Melnik

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