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Showing 53 - 65 of 82

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Leptospirosis in Mexico: Epidemiology and Potential Distribution of Human Cases

Sokani Sánchez-Montes, Deborah V. Espinosa-Martínez,  [ ... ], Ingeborg Becker

Epidemics in Interconnected Small-World Networks

Meng Liu, Daqing Li,  [ ... ], Feilong Wang

Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Studying Spatial Abundance of Ungulates: Relevance to Spatial Epidemiology

José A. Barasona, Margarita Mulero-Pázmány,  [ ... ], Joaquín Vicente

Descriptive Epidemiology of Typhoid Fever during an Epidemic in Harare, Zimbabwe, 2012

Jonathan A. Polonsky, Isabel Martínez-Pino,  [ ... ], Francisco J. Luquero

Commuter Mobility and the Spread of Infectious Diseases: Application to Influenza in France

Segolene Charaudeau, Khashayar Pakdaman, Pierre-Yves Boëlle

Vaccination against Foot-And-Mouth Disease: Do Initial Conditions Affect Its Benefit?

Thibaud Porphyre, Harriet K. Auty,  [ ... ], Mark E. J. Woolhouse

Spatial Transmission of Swine Vesicular Disease Virus in the 2006–2007 Epidemic in Lombardy

Claudia Nassuato, Gert Jan Boender,  [ ... ], Thomas J. Hagenaars

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