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OD-MVSNet: Omni-dimensional dynamic multi-view stereo network

Ke Pan, Kefeng Li,  [ ... ], Yuxuan Ding

Determination of the geographical coordinates of the aboveground nuclear tests epicenters

Valeriy Monayenko, Pavel Krivitskiy,  [ ... ], Natalya Larionova

Comparison of two popular transducers to measure sit-to-stand power in older adults

Anoop T. Balachandran, Samuel T. Orange,  [ ... ], Norberto Quiles

Exploring the recurrent states of football teams’ tactical organization on the pitch during Brazilian official matches

Felipe Arruda Moura, Murilo José de Oliveira Bueno,  [ ... ], Ricardo da Silva Torres

Experiences of smoking and tobacco use during pregnancy: A qualitative study protocol

Maria Agràs-Guàrdia, Sara Martínez-Torres,  [ ... ], Francisco Martín-Luján

State of lifestyle medicine education in Saudi medical schools: A descriptive study

Mohammed Almansour, Abeer Salman Alzaben, Sadeem Abdulaziz Aljammaz, Hayat Saleh Alzahrani

Design of image intelligent focusing system based on improved SMD function and RBF algorithm

Qianwei Deng, Chee-Onn Wong, Roopesh Sitharan, Xiangbin Meng

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