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Showing 1 - 13 of 181

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Natural Language Metaphors Covertly Influence Reasoning

Paul H. Thibodeau, Lera Boroditsky

The political reference point: How geography shapes political identity

Matthew Feinberg, Alexa M. Tullett,  [ ... ], Sara Gottlieb

To be understood: Transitioning to adult life for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Craig Thompson, Sven Bölte, Torbjörn Falkmer, Sonya Girdler

Condom Negotiations among Female Sex Workers in the Philippines: Environmental Influences

Lianne A. Urada, Donald E. Morisky,  [ ... ], Steffanie A. Strathdee

A systematic approach to analyze the social determinants of cardiovascular disease

Mireya Martínez-García, Magaly Salinas-Ortega,  [ ... ], Maite Vallejo

Modeling the emergence of affective polarization in the social media society

Petter Törnberg, Claes Andersson, Kristian Lindgren, Sven Banisch

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