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Showing 1 - 13 of 45

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Knowledge and perceptions of snakes, snakebites and their management among health care workers in Sudan

Ali Awadallah Saeed, Omer A. Gibreel,  [ ... ], Ahmed Hassan Fahal

Proteomics and life-history variability of Endogenous Phospholipases A2 Inhibitors (PLIs) in Bothrops jararaca plasma

Caroline Serino-Silva, Caroline Fabri Bittencourt Rodrigues,  [ ... ], Anita Mitico Tanaka-Azevedo

Risks of snakebite and challenges to seeking and providing treatment for agro-pastoral communities in Tanzania

Monica Fredrick Francis, Sr. John-Mary Vianney, Kathrin Heitz-Tokpa, Katharina Kreppel

Persistent hypercoagulability in dogs envenomated by the European adder (Vipera berus berus)

Hannah J. Harjen, Marit Hellum,  [ ... ], Carola E. Henriksson

Geographical accessibility to the supply of antiophidic sera in Brazil: Timely access possibilities

Ricardo Antunes Dantas de Oliveira, Diego Ricardo Xavier Silva, Maurício Gonçalves e Silva

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