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Showing 27 - 39 of 43

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Soil attributes drive nest-site selection by the campo miner Geositta poeciloptera

Ricardo Camargos de Meireles, João Paulo Gusmão Teixeira,  [ ... ], Leonardo Esteves Lopes

Dynamic Disturbance Processes Create Dynamic Lek Site Selection in a Prairie Grouse

Torre J. Hovick, Brady W. Allred,  [ ... ], Amber Breland

Den site selection by male brown bears at the population’s expansion front

Ane Eriksen, Petter Wabakken, Erling Maartmann, Barbara Zimmermann

Enhancing site selection strategies in clinical trial recruitment using real-world data modeling

Lars Hulstaert, Isabell Twick, Khaled Sarsour, Hans Verstraete

A Novel Role for the GTPase-Activating Protein Bud2 in the Spindle Position Checkpoint

Scott A. Nelson, Anthony M. Sanson, Hay-Oak Park, John A. Cooper

How threats inform conservation planning—A systematic review protocol

Elina A. Virtanen, Maria Söderholm, Atte Moilanen

Optimizing conservation planning for multiple cohabiting species

Yicheng Wang, Qiaoling Fang, Sahan T. M. Dissanayake, Hayri Önal

Reproductive site selection in a bromeliad breeding treefrog suggests complex evolutionary trade-offs

Amanda Santiago Ferreira Lantyer-Silva, Anthony Waldron, Juliana Zina, Mirco Solé

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