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Showing 53 - 65 of 67

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True Lateral Eye Numbers for Extant Buthids: A New Discovery on an Old Character

Xiaofeng Yang, Yusoff Norma-Rashid, Wilson R. Lourenço, Mingsheng Zhu

BmK-YA, an Enkephalin-Like Peptide in Scorpion Venom

Yan Zhang, Junyan Xu,  [ ... ], Olivier Civelli

Anti-HIV-1 Activity of a New Scorpion Venom Peptide Derivative Kn2-7

Yaoqing Chen, Luyang Cao,  [ ... ], Huimin Yan

Structural and Functional Diversity of Acidic Scorpion Potassium Channel Toxins

Zong-Yun Chen, Dan-Yun Zeng,  [ ... ], Ying-Liang Wu

Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of Tityus pachyurus and Tityus obscurus Novel Putative Na+-Channel Scorpion Toxins

Jimmy A. Guerrero-Vargas, Caroline B. F. Mourão,  [ ... ], Elisabeth F. Schwartz

Isolation and Characterization of CvIV4: A Pain Inducing α- Scorpion Toxin

Ashlee H. Rowe, Yucheng Xiao,  [ ... ], Harold H. Zakon

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