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Showing 27 - 39 of 1,090

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RISK aversion in Italian forensic and non-forensic patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Nicola Canessa, Laura Iozzino,  [ ... ], Giovanni de Girolamo

The effects of caffeine and d-amphetamine on spatial span task in healthy participants

Faiz M. Kassim, J. H. Mark Lim,  [ ... ], Mathew T. Martin-Iverson

Structural aging of human neurons is opposite of the changes in schizophrenia

Ryuta Mizutani, Rino Saiga,  [ ... ], Makoto Arai

Predictors of cognitive changes in patients with schizophrenia undergoing electroconvulsive therapy

Arvind Rajagopalan, Kenny Wai Kwong Lim,  [ ... ], Phern-Chern Tor

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