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  • Media Ion Composition Controls Regulatory and Virulence Response of Salmonella in Spaceflight

    James W. Wilson, C. Mark Ott, Laura Quick, Richard Davis, Kerstin Höner zu Bentrup, Aurélie Crabbé, Emily Richter, Shameema Sarker, Jennifer Barrila, Steffen Porwollik, Pui Cheng, Michael McClelland, George Tsaprailis, Timothy Radabaugh, Andrea Hunt, Miti Shah, Mayra Nelman-Gonzalez, Steve Hing, Macarena Parra, Paula Dumars, Kelly Norwood, Ramona Bober, Jennifer Devich, Ashleigh Ruggles, Autumn CdeBaca, Satro Narayan, Joseph Benjamin, Carla Goulart, Mark Rupert, Luke Catella, Michael J. Schurr, Kent Buchanan, Lisa Morici, James McCracken, Marc D. Porter, Duane L. Pierson, Scott M. Smith, Max Mergeay, Natalie Leys, Heidemarie M. Stefanyshyn-Piper, Dominic Gorie, Cheryl A. Nickerson

    published 12 Dec 2008

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  • Telomere Attrition Due to Infection

    Petteri Ilmonen, Alexander Kotrschal, Dustin J. Penn

    published 14 May 2008

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