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Showing 27 - 39 of 331

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Radiology- and gene-based risk stratification in small renal cell carcinoma: A preliminary study

Seiichiro Takao, Yasuhiro Ushijima,  [ ... ], Kousei Ishigami

Expression of protease activated receptor-2 is reduced in renal cell carcinoma biopsies and cell lines

Christudas Morais, Retnagowri Rajandram,  [ ... ], David A. Vesey

Novel Honokiol-eluting PLGA-based scaffold effectively restricts the growth of renal cancer cells

Yasaman Hamedani, Samik Chakraborty,  [ ... ], Murugabaskar Balan

De-novo malignancies after kidney transplantation: A long-term observational study

Felix A. Fröhlich, Fabian Halleck,  [ ... ], Oliver Staeck

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