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Showing 1 - 13 of 331

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Anti-Angiogenic and Anti-Metastatic Activity of Synthetic Phosphoethanolamine

Adilson Kleber Ferreira, Vanessa Morais Freitas,  [ ... ], Durvanei Augusto Maria

Pathway Signature and Cellular Differentiation in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma

Han W. Tun, Laura A. Marlow,  [ ... ], John A. Copland

Dendritic Cell Based Tumor Vaccination in Prostate and Renal Cell Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Andreas Draube, Nela Klein-González,  [ ... ], Michael von Bergwelt-Baildon

Cadherin-9 Is a Novel Cell Surface Marker for the Heterogeneous Pool of Renal Fibroblasts

Cornelia Thedieck, Hubert Kalbacher,  [ ... ], Gerd Klein

MicroRNAs in Renal Cell Carcinoma: Diagnostic Implications of Serum miR-1233 Levels

Lena M. Wulfken, Rudolf Moritz,  [ ... ], Jörg Ellinger

Gas6 and the Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Axl in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma

Anna Gustafsson, Anna-Karin Boström,  [ ... ], Björn Dahlbäck

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