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Showing 27 - 39 of 717

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Exploring the neurogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells

Arwa A. Al-Maswary, Molly O’Reilly,  [ ... ], Ben A. Scheven

Cardiac-derived extracellular matrix: A decellularization protocol for heart regeneration

Immacolata Belviso, Anna Maria Sacco,  [ ... ], Veronica Romano

In-vitro and in-vivo evaluations of tocotrienol-rich nanoemulsified system on skin wound healing

Wai Ting Chong, Chin Ping Tan, Yoke Kqueen Cheah, Oi Ming Lai

Cell tip growth underlies injury response of marine macroalgae

Maki Shirae-Kurabayashi, Tomoya Edzuka, Masahiro Suzuki, Gohta Goshima

Retinoic acid treatment recruits macrophages and increases axonal regeneration after optic nerve injury in the frog Rana pipiens

Valeria De La Rosa-Reyes, Mildred V. Duprey-Díaz, Jonathan M. Blagburn, Rosa E. Blanco

Myelination, axonal loss and Schwann cell characteristics in axonal polyneuropathy compared to controls

Eva Placheta-Györi, Lea Maria Brandstetter,  [ ... ], Christine Radtke

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