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Showing 40 - 52 of 92

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Impedance spectroscopy of single bacterial nanofilament reveals water-mediated charge transfer

Artem Grebenko, Vyacheslav Dremov,  [ ... ], Konstantin Motovilov

Optimal endobronchial tool sizes for targeting lung lesions based on 3D modeling

Torre M. Bydlon, Gerrit C. Langhout,  [ ... ], Theodoor J. M. Ruers

Spectroscopic (UV/VIS, Raman) and Electrophoresis Study of Cytosine-Guanine Oligonucleotide DNA Influenced by Magnetic Field

Seyedeh Maryam Banihashemian, Vengadesh Periasamy, Goh Boon Tong, Saadah Abdul Rahman

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