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Showing 144 - 156 of 190

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Increased Collagen Synthesis Rate during Wound Healing in Muscle

Shaobo Zhou, Jonathan Salisbury, Victor R. Preedy, Peter W. Emery

Cellular Catabolism of the Iron-Regulatory Peptide Hormone Hepcidin

Gloria Cuevas Preza, Rogelio Pinon, Tomas Ganz, Elizabeta Nemeth

High Efficiency Diffusion Molecular Retention Tumor Targeting

Yanyan Guo, Hushan Yuan,  [ ... ], Lee Josephson

YB-1 Synthesis Is Regulated by mTOR Signaling Pathway

Dmitry N. Lyabin, Irina A. Eliseeva, Lev P. Ovchinnikov

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