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Showing 105 - 117 of 134

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Preterm Delivery Disrupts the Developmental Program of the Cerebellum

Parthiv Haldipur, Upasna Bharti,  [ ... ], Shyamala Mani

Optogenetic Manipulation of Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Activity In Vivo

Tadashi Tsubota, Yohei Ohashi,  [ ... ], Yasushi Miyashita

Remodeling of Monoplanar Purkinje Cell Dendrites during Cerebellar Circuit Formation

Megumi Kaneko, Kazuhiko Yamaguchi,  [ ... ], Mineko Kengaku

Oligodendrocytes as Regulators of Neuronal Networks during Early Postnatal Development

Sandrine Doretto, Monica Malerba,  [ ... ], Emiliana Borrelli

Eph Receptors Are Involved in the Activity-Dependent Synaptic Wiring in the Mouse Cerebellar Cortex

Roberta Cesa, Federica Premoselli,  [ ... ], Piergiorgio Strata

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