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Showing 40 - 52 of 59

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Oxygen Relieves the CO2 and Acetate Dependency of Lactobacillus johnsonii NCC 533

Rosanne Y. Hertzberger, R. David Pridmore,  [ ... ], M. Joost Teixeira de Mattos

Ablation of Dihydroceramide Desaturase Confers Resistance to Etoposide-Induced Apoptosis In Vitro

Monowarul M. Siddique, Benjamin T. Bikman,  [ ... ], Scott A. Summers

Intracellular Retention of ABL Kinase Inhibitors Determines Commitment to Apoptosis in CML Cells

Daniel B. Lipka, Marie-Christine Wagner,  [ ... ], Thomas Fischer

High Confidence Prediction of Essential Genes in Burkholderia Cenocepacia

Mario Juhas, Manuel Stark,  [ ... ], Leo Eberl

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