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Showing 40 - 52 of 402

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Pathologic Prion Protein Infects Cells by Lipid-Raft Dependent Macropinocytosis

Jehangir S. Wadia, Monica Schaller, R. Anthony Williamson, Steven F. Dowdy

Treatment of Prion Disease with Heterologous Prion Proteins

Pamela J. Skinner, Hyeon O. Kim,  [ ... ], Davis M. Seelig

Experimental Oral Transmission of Chronic Wasting Disease to Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus)

Gordon B. Mitchell, Christina J. Sigurdson,  [ ... ], Aru Balachandran

The Efficacy of Tetracyclines in Peripheral and Intracerebral Prion Infection

Ada De Luigi, Laura Colombo,  [ ... ], Mario Salmona

Styryl-Based and Tricyclic Compounds as Potential Anti-Prion Agents

Erika Chung, Frances Prelli,  [ ... ], Thomas Wisniewski

p53 Aggregates Penetrate Cells and Induce the Co-Aggregation of Intracellular p53

Karolyn J. Forget, Guillaume Tremblay, Xavier Roucou

Prion Strain Discrimination Based on Rapid In Vivo Amplification and Analysis by the Cell Panel Assay

Yervand Eduard Karapetyan, Paula Saá,  [ ... ], Corinne Ida Lasmézas

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