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Antibody desolvation with sodium chloride and acetonitrile generates bioactive protein nanoparticles

Levi Collin Nelemans, Vinicio Alejandro Melo,  [ ... ], Aiva Simaite

The dispensability of 14-3-3 proteins for the regulation of human cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5

Oksana Iamshanova, Anne-Flore Hämmerli,  [ ... ], Hugues Abriel

Identification of MYC intron 2 regions that modulate expression

Van S. Tompkins, Zheng Xue,  [ ... ], Walter N. Moss

Restored forested wetland surprisingly resistant to experimental salinization

Emily A. Ury, Marcelo Ardón, Justin P. Wright, Emily S. Bernhardt

ATXN2 is a target of N-terminal proteolysis

Monika Chitre, Patrick Emery

Hunting for the elusive target antigen in gestational alloimmune liver disease (GALD)

Klaus Rieneck, Karen Koefoed Rasmussen,  [ ... ], Morten Hanefeld Dziegiel

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