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Showing 40 - 52 of 300

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CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knock-out of VPREB1 gene induces a cytotoxic effect in myeloma cells

Mai Khaled, Amr S. Moustafa,  [ ... ], Eman M. El_Salahy

Hematological malignancies in East Africa—Which cancers to expect and how to provide services

Steven Alan Leak, Lilian Gasper Mmbaga,  [ ... ], Oliver Henke

Whole body MRI in multiple myeloma: Optimising image acquisition and read times

Saurabh Singh, Elly Pilavachi,  [ ... ], Margaret A. Hall-Craggs

GLIPR1 expression is reduced in multiple myeloma but is not a tumour suppressor in mice

Natasha Friend, Jacqueline E. Noll,  [ ... ], Andrew C. W. Zannettino

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