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Showing 40 - 52 of 180

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Plasmid Complement of Lactococcus lactis NCDO712 Reveals a Novel Pilus Gene Cluster

Mariya Tarazanova, Marke Beerthuyzen,  [ ... ], Herwig Bachmann

The Nanomechanical Properties of Lactococcus lactis Pili Are Conditioned by the Polymerized Backbone Pilin

Mickaël Castelain, Marie-Pierre Duviau,  [ ... ], Muriel Mercier-Bonin

Probiotic Gut Microbiota Isolate Interacts with Dendritic Cells via Glycosylated Heterotrimeric Pili

Hanne L. P. Tytgat, Nienke H. van Teijlingen,  [ ... ], Sarah Lebeer

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