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FOXP3 Promoter Demethylation Reveals the Committed Treg Population in Humans

Peter C. J. Janson, Malin E. Winerdal,  [ ... ], Ola Winqvist

Selective Pharmacological Targeting of a DEAD Box RNA Helicase

Lisa Lindqvist, Monika Oberer,  [ ... ], Jerry Pelletier

Singing in the Rain Forest: How a Tropical Bird Song Transfers Information

Nicolas Mathevon, Thierry Aubin,  [ ... ], Danilo Boscolo

“Ant” and “Grasshopper” Life-History Strategies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Aymé Spor, Shaoxiao Wang,  [ ... ], Delphine Sicard

Oil Palm Research in Context: Identifying the Need for Biodiversity Assessment

Edgar C. Turner, Jake L. Snaddon, Tom M. Fayle, William A. Foster

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