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Efficient Temporal Processing of Naturalistic Sounds

Nicholas A. Lesica, Benedikt Grothe

Baselines and Degradation of Coral Reefs in the Northern Line Islands

Stuart A. Sandin, Jennifer E. Smith,  [ ... ], Enric Sala

Modeling Transcriptome Based on Transcript-Sampling Data

Jiang Zhu, Fuhong He, Jing Wang, Jun Yu

A New Perspective on Transcriptional System Regulation (TSR): Towards TSR Profiling

Rudolf S. N. Fehrmann, Hendrik J. M. de Jonge,  [ ... ], Eveline S. J. M. de Bont

The Role of IRE1α in the Degradation of Insulin mRNA in Pancreatic β-Cells

Kathryn L. Lipson, Rajarshi Ghosh, Fumihiko Urano

Endogenous Morphine in SH-SY5Y Cells and the Mouse Cerebellum

Arnaud Muller, Elise Glattard,  [ ... ], Yannick Goumon

Clocking the Lyme Spirochete

Stephen E. Malawista, Anne de Boisfleury Chevance

Asap: A Framework for Over-Representation Statistics for Transcription Factor Binding Sites

Troels T. Marstrand, Jes Frellsen,  [ ... ], Anders Krogh

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