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Showing 40 - 52 of 78

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Women's Preferences for Penis Size: A New Research Method Using Selection among 3D Models

Nicole Prause, Jaymie Park, Shannon Leung, Geoffrey Miller

Morphology, Molecules, and Monogenean Parasites: An Example of an Integrative Approach to Cichlid Biodiversity

Maarten Van Steenberge, Antoine Pariselle,  [ ... ], Maarten P. M. Vanhove

Men in Papua New Guinea Accurately Report Their Circumcision Status

Parana Hewage Mangalasiri Jayathunge, William John Hannan McBride, David MacLaren, Kelwyn Browne

Modifications of Erectile Tissue Components in the Penis during the Fetal Period

Carla B. M. Gallo, Waldemar S. Costa,  [ ... ], Francisco J. B. Sampaio

Safety, Effectiveness and Acceptability of the PrePex Device for Adult Male Circumcision in Kenya

Paul J. Feldblum, Elijah Odoyo-June,  [ ... ], Peter Cherutich

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