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Showing 27 - 39 of 78

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Morphology, Molecules, and Monogenean Parasites: An Example of an Integrative Approach to Cichlid Biodiversity

Maarten Van Steenberge, Antoine Pariselle,  [ ... ], Maarten P. M. Vanhove

Longer-Term Follow-Up of Kenyan Men Circumcised Using the ShangRing Device

Paul J. Feldblum, Jairus Okech,  [ ... ], Valentine Veena

Modifications of Erectile Tissue Components in the Penis during the Fetal Period

Carla B. M. Gallo, Waldemar S. Costa,  [ ... ], Francisco J. B. Sampaio

Sonic Hedgehog Protein Is Decreased and Penile Morphology Is Altered in Prostatectomy and Diabetic Patients

Nicholas L. Angeloni, Christopher W. Bond, Kevin T. McVary, Carol A. Podlasek

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