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Showing 729 - 741 of 743

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Sensory Response System of Social Behavior Tied to Female Reproductive Traits

Jennifer M. Tsuruda, Gro V. Amdam, Robert E. Page Jr

Loss of Cannabinoid Receptor CB1 Induces Preterm Birth

Haibin Wang, Huirong Xie, Sudhansu K. Dey

Wolbachia Mediate Variation of Host Immunocompetence

Christine Braquart-Varnier, Marion Lachat,  [ ... ], Mathieu Sicard

Single-Species Microarrays and Comparative Transcriptomics

Frédéric J. J. Chain, Dora Ilieva, Ben J. Evans

The Making of a Queen: TOR Pathway Is a Key Player in Diphenic Caste Development

Avani Patel, M. Kim Fondrk,  [ ... ], Gro V. Amdam

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