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Showing 27 - 39 of 1,243

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Automated segmentation and quantitative analysis of organelle morphology, localization and content using CellProfiler

Sebastiaan N. J. Laan, Richard J. Dirven,  [ ... ], for the SYMPHONY consortium

Issues with RNF43 antibodies to reliably detect intracellular location

Shanshan Li, Ruyi Zhang,  [ ... ], Ron Smits

Assembly and regulation of the mammalian mRNA processing body

Donald B. Bloch, Claire O. Sinow, Andrew J. Sauer, Benjamin H. P. Corman

An expression and function analysis of the CXCR4/SDF-1 signalling axis during pituitary gland development

Jose Mario Gonzalez-Meljem, Sarah Ivins,  [ ... ], Juan Pedro Martinez-Barbera

Immunostaining protocol for infiltrating brain cancer spheroids for light-sheet imaging

Benedicte Bjørknes, Oliver Emil Neye, Petra Hamerlik, Liselotte Jauffred

Quantitative analysis of Weibel-Palade bodies

Alice Liu, Christopher J. Ng

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