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Showing 14 - 26 of 861

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Cognitive-Cognitive Dual-task in aging: A cross-sectional online study

Giulio Contemori, Maria Silvia Saccani, Mario Bonato

Machine learning for predicting cognitive deficits using auditory and demographic factors

Christopher E. Niemczak, Basile Montagnese,  [ ... ], Jay C. Buckey

Personality and psychopathological characteristics in functional movement disorders

Antonina Luca, Tiziana Lo Castro,  [ ... ], Mario Zappia

Language outcomes of preschool children who are HIV-exposed uninfected: An analysis of a South African cohort

Freddy Green, Christopher du Plooy,  [ ... ], Catherine J. Wedderburn

Culture, prefrontal volume, and memory

Nicolette Barber, Ioannis Valoumas,  [ ... ], Angela Gutchess

SARS-CoV2 evokes structural brain changes resulting in declined executive function

Daniel Deuter, Katharina Hense,  [ ... ], Katharina Rosengarth

Cognition and emotional distress in middle-aged and older adults with spina bifida myelomeningocele

Elisabeth Fagereng, Ingeborg Beate Lidal,  [ ... ], Solveig Lægreid Hauger

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