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Variants of ST8SIA1 Are Associated with Risk of Developing Multiple Sclerosis

Seema Husain, Cagri Yildirim-Toruner,  [ ... ], Emilia Vitale

Cerebrospinal Fluid B Cells Correlate with Early Brain Inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis

Bettina Kuenz, Andreas Lutterotti,  [ ... ], Markus Reindl

Oral High-Dose Atorvastatin Treatment in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

Friedemann Paul, Sonia Waiczies,  [ ... ], Frauke Zipp

mtDNA nt13708A Variant Increases the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis

Xinhua Yu, Dirk Koczan,  [ ... ], Saleh M. Ibrahim

HLA-A Confers an HLA-DRB1 Independent Influence on the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis

Boel Brynedal, Kristina Duvefelt,  [ ... ], Jan Hillert

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