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Showing 40 - 52 of 54

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Changing Climate and Overgrazing Are Decimating Mongolian Steppes

Yi Y. Liu, Jason P. Evans,  [ ... ], Izuru Saizen

Fragmentation of the Habitat of Wild Ungulates by Anthropogenic Barriers in Mongolia

Takehiko Y. Ito, Badamjav Lhagvasuren,  [ ... ], Buyanaa Chimeddorj

Tracing the Origin of the East-West Population Admixture in the Altai Region (Central Asia)

Mercedes González-Ruiz, Cristina Santos,  [ ... ], Assumpció Malgosa

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus among Wild Birds in Mongolia

Martin Gilbert, Losolmaa Jambal,  [ ... ], Damien O. Joly

Yersinia pestis Lineages in Mongolia

Julia M. Riehm, Gilles Vergnaud,  [ ... ], Holger C. Scholz

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