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Showing 1 - 13 of 38

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Population dynamics of Pinfish in the eastern Gulf of Mexico (1998-2016)

Meaghan E. Faletti, Dinorah H. Chacin,  [ ... ], Christopher D. Stallings

Reconstructing the transmission dynamics of rubella in Japan, 2012-2013

Masaya M. Saito, Hiroshi Nishiura, Tomoyuki Higuchi

Larval dispersal in three coral reef decapod species: Influence of larval duration on the metapopulation structure

Laura Sanvicente-Añorve, Jorge Zavala-Hidalgo, Eugenia Allende-Arandía, Margarita Hermoso-Salazar

Threshold-activated transport stabilizes chaotic populations to steady states

Chandrakala Meena, Pranay Deep Rungta, Sudeshna Sinha

Network Analysis Shows Asymmetrical Flows within a Bird Metapopulation

Emilio R. Rojas, Cédric Sueur,  [ ... ], Groupe Cigognes France

A Landscape Approach to Invasive Species Management

Miguel Lurgi, Konstans Wells,  [ ... ], Damien A. Fordham

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