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Showing 131 - 143 of 147

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Micro-Halocline Enabled Nutrient Recycling May Explain Extreme Azolla Event in the Eocene Arctic Ocean

Monique M. L. van Kempen, Alfons J. P. Smolders, Leon P. M. Lamers, Jan G. M. Roelofs

Increased Plant Carbon Translocation Linked to Overyielding in Grassland Species Mixtures

Gerlinde B. De Deyn, Helen Quirk,  [ ... ], Richard D. Bardgett

Dispersed Oil Disrupts Microbial Pathways in Pelagic Food Webs

Alice C. Ortmann, Jennifer Anders,  [ ... ], Robert H. Condon

Temperature-Induced Increase in Methane Release from Peat Bogs: A Mesocosm Experiment

Julia F. van Winden, Gert-Jan Reichart,  [ ... ], Jaap S. Sinninghe. Damsté

Reasons for the Invasive Success of a Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) Population in Trinidad

Caya Sievers, Eva-Maria Willing,  [ ... ], Anne Magurran

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