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  • Developing a Collaborative Agenda for Humanities and Social Scientific Research on Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare

    Gail F. Davies, Beth J Greenhough, Pru Hobson-West, Robert G. W. Kirk, Ken Applebee, Laura C. Bellingan, Manuel Berdoy, Henry Buller, Helen J. Cassaday, Keith Davies, Daniela Diefenbacher, Tone Druglitrø, Maria Paula Escobar, Carrie Friese, Kathrin Herrmann, Amy Hinterberger, Wendy J. Jarrett, Kimberley Jayne, Adam M. Johnson, Elizabeth R. Johnson, Timm Konold, Matthew C. Leach, Sabina Leonelli, David I. Lewis, Elliot J. Lilley, Emma R. Longridge, Carmen M. McLeod, Mara Miele, Nicole C. Nelson, Elisabeth H. Ormandy, Helen Pallett, Lonneke Poort, Pandora Pound, Edmund Ramsden, Emma Roe, Helen Scalway, Astrid Schrader, Chris J. Scotton, Cheryl L. Scudamore, Jane A. Smith, Lucy Whitfield, Sarah Wolfensohn

    published 18 Jul 2016

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