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Showing 222 - 225 of 225

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Seasonality of Influenza A(H3N2) Virus: A Hong Kong Perspective (1997–2006)

Julian W. Tang, Karry L. K. Ngai, Wai Y. Lam, Paul K. S. Chan

Synchrony of Clinical and Laboratory Surveillance for Influenza in Hong Kong

Lin Yang, Chit Ming Wong,  [ ... ], Joseph S. M. Peiris

Growth Environment and Sex Differences in Lipids, Body Shape and Diabetes Risk

C. Mary Schooling, Tai Hing Lam,  [ ... ], for the Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Study Steering Committee

Controlling Pandemic Flu: The Value of International Air Travel Restrictions

Joshua M. Epstein, D. Michael Goedecke,  [ ... ], Georgiy V. Bobashev

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