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Showing 53 - 65 of 77

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Use and Utility of Hemostatic Screening in Adults Undergoing Elective, Non-Cardiac Surgery

Isabel A. Weil, Sinziana Seicean,  [ ... ], Andreea Seicean

Continuous Modeling of Arterial Platelet Thrombus Formation Using a Spatial Adsorption Equation

Evgenia S. Babushkina, Nikolay M. Bessonov, Fazoil I. Ataullakhanov, Mikhail A. Panteleev

A Critical Role for the Transient Receptor Potential Channel Type 6 in Human Platelet Activation

Hari Priya Vemana, Zubair A. Karim, Christine Conlon, Fadi T. Khasawneh

The Neutral Self-Assembling Peptide Hydrogel SPG-178 as a Topical Hemostatic Agent

Seiji Komatsu, Yusuke Nagai, Keiji Naruse, Yoshihiro Kimata

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