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Showing 3,030 - 3,042 of 3,085

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Economic Returns to Investment in AIDS Treatment in Low and Middle Income Countries

Stephen Resch, Eline Korenromp,  [ ... ], Rifat Atun

Resource Allocation for Epidemic Control in Metapopulations

Martial L. Ndeffo Mbah, Christopher A. Gilligan

Modeling HIV/AIDS Drug Price Determinants in Brazil: Is Generic Competition a Myth?

Constance Meiners, Luis Sagaon-Teyssier, Lia Hasenclever, Jean-Paul Moatti

The Short-Term Impact of Ontario's Generic Pricing Reforms

Michael R. Law, Alison Ystma, Steven G. Morgan

Illegal Substance Use among Italian High School Students: Trends over 11 Years (1999–2009)

Sabrina Molinaro, Valeria Siciliano,  [ ... ], Fabio Mariani

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