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Showing 14 - 26 of 310

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  • Characterization of Sex Determination and Sex Differentiation Genes in Latimeria

    Mariko Forconi, Adriana Canapa, Marco Barucca, Maria A. Biscotti, Teresa Capriglione, Francesco Buonocore, Anna M. Fausto, Daisy M. Makapedua, Alberto Pallavicini, Marco Gerdol, Gianluca De Moro, Giuseppe Scapigliati, Ettore Olmo, Manfred Schartl

    published 25 Apr 2013

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  • Copy Number Variation in Patients with Disorders of Sex Development Due to 46,XY Gonadal Dysgenesis

    Stefan White, Thomas Ohnesorg, Amanda Notini, Kelly Roeszler, Jacqueline Hewitt, Hinda Daggag, Craig Smith, Erin Turbitt, Sonja Gustin, Jocelyn van den Bergen, Denise Miles, Patrick Western, Valerie Arboleda, Valerie Schumacher, Lavinia Gordon, Katrina Bell, Henrik Bengtsson, Terry Speed, John Hutson, Garry Warne, Vincent Harley, Peter Koopman, Eric Vilain, Andrew Sinclair

    published 07 Mar 2011

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