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Showing 27 - 39 of 1,079

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Patterns of cetacean vaginal folds yield insights into functionality

Dara N. Orbach, Christopher D. Marshall, Sarah L. Mesnick, Bernd Würsig

Bacterial Communities of the Coronal Sulcus and Distal Urethra of Adolescent Males

David E. Nelson, Qunfeng Dong,  [ ... ], J. Dennis Fortenberry

Reprogramming Primordial Germ Cells into Pluripotent Stem Cells

Gabriela Durcova-Hills, Fuchou Tang,  [ ... ], M. Azim Surani

Characteristic Male Urine Microbiomes Associate with Asymptomatic Sexually Transmitted Infection

David E. Nelson, Barbara Van Der Pol,  [ ... ], J. Dennis Fortenberry

Duration of labor and the risk of severe postpartum hemorrhage: A case-control study

Lill Trine Nyfløt, Babill Stray-Pedersen, Lisa Forsén, Siri Vangen

Sox9 Duplications Are a Relevant Cause of Sry-Negative XX Sex Reversal Dogs

Elena Rossi, Orietta Radi,  [ ... ], Pietro Parma

Sertoli Cells Maintain Leydig Cell Number and Peritubular Myoid Cell Activity in the Adult Mouse Testis

Diane Rebourcet, Peter J. O’Shaughnessy,  [ ... ], Lee B. Smith

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