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TPP1 is associated with risk of advanced precursors and cervical cancer survival

Qiao-Li Wang, Caifeng Gong,  [ ... ], Yunfeng Zhou

Trends of Mansonia (Diptera, Culicidae, Mansoniini) in Porto Velho: Seasonal patterns and meteorological influences

José Ferreira Saraiva, Nercy Virginia Rabelo Furtado,  [ ... ], José Bento Pereira Lima

mTORC1 is required for differentiation of germline stem cells in the Drosophila melanogaster testis

Marie Clémot, Cecilia D’Alterio, Alexa C. Kwang, D. Leanne Jones

Mobility analysis of a posterior sacrospinous fixation using a finite element model of the pelvic system

Marine Lallemant, Andres Arteaga Shimojyo,  [ ... ], Michel Cosson

A brittle star is born: Ontogeny of luminous capabilities in Amphiura filiformis

Constance Coubris, Laurent Duchatelet, Sam Dupont, Jérôme Mallefet

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