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Anthelmintic Potential of Thymoquinone and Curcumin on Fasciola gigantica

Rizwan Ullah, Abdur Rehman,  [ ... ], S. M. A. Abidi

An Outbreak of Human Fascioliasis gigantica in Southwest China

Jia-Xu Chen, Mu-Xin Chen,  [ ... ], Xiao-Nong Zhou

Mathematical algorithm for the automatic recognition of intestinal parasites

Alicia Alva, Carla Cangalaya,  [ ... ], Mirko Zimic

Hemocyte Density Increases with Developmental Stage in an Immune-Challenged Forest Caterpillar

Teresa M. Stoepler, Julio C. Castillo, John T. Lill, Ioannis Eleftherianos

Gene Expression Profile in the Liver of BALB/c Mice Infected with Fasciola hepatica

Jose Rojas-Caraballo, Julio López-Abán,  [ ... ], Antonio Muro

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