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Fallopian Tube Prolapse after Hysterectomy: A Systematic Review

Lobna Ouldamer, Agnès Caille, Gilles Body

Exploring the Transcriptome of Ciliated Cells Using In Silico Dissection of Human Tissues

Alexander E. Ivliev, Peter A. C. 't Hoen,  [ ... ], Marina G. Sergeeva

Presence of a Polymicrobial Endometrial Biofilm in Patients with Bacterial Vaginosis

Alexander Swidsinski, Hans Verstraelen,  [ ... ], Zaher Halwani

Differential Analysis of Ovarian and Endometrial Cancers Identifies a Methylator Phenotype

Diana L. Kolbe, Julie A. DeLoia,  [ ... ], Laura Elnitski

Gene Expression Signature of Normal Cell-of-Origin Predicts Ovarian Tumor Outcomes

Melissa A. Merritt, Stefan Bentink,  [ ... ], Tan A. Ince

CB1 Expression Is Attenuated in Fallopian Tube and Decidua of Women with Ectopic Pregnancy

Andrew W. Horne, John A. Phillips III,  [ ... ], Hilary O. D. Critchley

Female reproductive tract has low concentration of SARS-CoV2 receptors

Jyoti Goad, Joshua Rudolph, Aleksandar Rajkovic

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