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  • Temporal Dynamics of Interferon Gamma Responses in Children Evaluated for Tuberculosis

    Jean-Louis Herrmann, Marie Belloy, Raphael Porcher, Nancy Simonney, Rola Aboutaam, Muriel Lebourgeois, Joel Gaudelus, Laure De LosAngeles, Katarina Chadelat, Pierre Scheinmann, Nicole Beydon, Brigitte Fauroux, Martine Bingen, Mustapha Terki, Dominique Barraud, Philippe Cruaud, Catherine Offredo, Agnes Ferroni, Patrick Berche, Didier Moissenet, Hoang Vuthien, Catherine Doit, Edouard Bingen, Philippe Henri Lagrange

    published 06 Jan 2009

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  • Genome Scan of M. tuberculosis Infection and Disease in Ugandans

    Catherine M. Stein, Sarah Zalwango, LaShaunda L. Malone, Sungho Won, Harriet Mayanja-Kizza, Roy D. Mugerwa, Dmitry V. Leontiev, Cheryl L. Thompson, Kevin C. Cartier, Robert C. Elston, Sudha K. Iyengar, W. Henry Boom, Christopher C. Whalen

    published 31 Dec 2008

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