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Showing 40 - 52 of 37,066

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Mask or no mask for COVID-19: A public health and market study

Tom Li, Yan Liu,  [ ... ], Susie Y. Dai

Always Gamble on an Empty Stomach: Hunger Is Associated with Advantageous Decision Making

Denise de Ridder, Floor Kroese, Marieke Adriaanse, Catharine Evers

ABO Genotype, ‘Blood-Type’ Diet and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors

Jingzhou Wang, Bibiana García-Bailo, Daiva E. Nielsen, Ahmed El-Sohemy

Mask adherence and rate of COVID-19 across the United States

Charlie B. Fischer, Nedghie Adrien,  [ ... ], Martha M. Werler

Proton Pump Inhibitor Usage and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction in the General Population

Nigam H. Shah, Paea LePendu,  [ ... ], Nicholas J. Leeper

Researchers working from home: Benefits and challenges

Balazs Aczel, Marton Kovacs, Tanja van der Lippe, Barnabas Szaszi

EEG to Primary Rewards: Predictive Utility and Malleability by Brain Stimulation

Nicole Prause, Greg J. Siegle,  [ ... ], Marco Iacoboni

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