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Showing 27 - 39 of 224

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Potential application of novel technology developed for instant decontamination of personal protective equipment before the doffing step

Luís Alberto Brêda Mascarenhas, Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado,  [ ... ], Roberto Badaró

Genomic and phenotypic diversity of Enterococcus faecalis isolated from endophthalmitis

Gayatri Shankar Chilambi, Hayley R. Nordstrom,  [ ... ], Daria Van Tyne

Metagenome analysis from the sediment of river Ganga and Yamuna: In search of beneficial microbiome

Bijay Kumar Behera, Biswanath Patra,  [ ... ], Trilochan Mohapatra

Four weeks versus six weeks of ampicillin plus ceftriaxone in Enterococcus faecalis native valve endocarditis: A prospective cohort study

Antonio Ramos-Martínez, Juan Manuel Pericàs,  [ ... ], On behalf of the Grupo de Apoyo al Manejo de la Endocarditis Infecciosa en España (GAMES)

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