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Showing 27 - 39 of 5,842

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A Metagenomic Approach to Characterization of the Vaginal Microbiome Signature in Pregnancy

Kjersti Aagaard, Kevin Riehle,  [ ... ], James Versalovic

Scientific Foundations for an IUCN Red List of Ecosystems

David A. Keith, Jon Paul Rodríguez,  [ ... ], Sergio Zambrano-Martínez

Detection of a Diverse Marine Fish Fauna Using Environmental DNA from Seawater Samples

Philip Francis Thomsen, Jos Kielgast,  [ ... ], Eske Willerslev

Gold Mining in the Peruvian Amazon: Global Prices, Deforestation, and Mercury Imports

Jennifer J. Swenson, Catherine E. Carter, Jean-Christophe Domec, Cesar I. Delgado

Marine Biodiversity in the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of South America: Knowledge and Gaps

Patricia Miloslavich, Eduardo Klein,  [ ... ], Alberto Martín

An Overview of Marine Biodiversity in United States Waters

Daphne Fautin, Penelope Dalton,  [ ... ], Nicholas Wolff

A general approach for predicting the behavior of the Supreme Court of the United States

Daniel Martin Katz, Michael J. Bommarito II, Josh Blackman

Deforestation Induced Climate Change: Effects of Spatial Scale

Patrick Longobardi, Alvaro Montenegro, Hugo Beltrami, Michael Eby

Four Centuries of Change in Northeastern United States Forests

Jonathan R. Thompson, Dunbar N. Carpenter, Charles V. Cogbill, David R. Foster

Mapping the Global Emergence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the Amphibian Chytrid Fungus

Deanna H. Olson, David M. Aanensen,  [ ... ], Matthew C. Fisher

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