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  • Rapid Purification of Recombinant Histones

    Henrike Klinker, Caroline Haas, Nadine Harrer, Peter B. Becker, Felix Mueller-Planitz

    published 04 Aug 2014

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  • Methotrexate Is a JAK/STAT Pathway Inhibitor

    Sally Thomas, Katherine H. Fisher, John A. Snowden, Sarah J. Danson, Stephen Brown, Martin P. Zeidler

    published 01 Jul 2015

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  • Systems-Scale Analysis Reveals Pathways Involved in Cellular Response to Methamphetamine

    Lijie Sun, Hong-Mei Li, Manfredo J. Seufferheld, Kent R. Walters Jr., Venu M. Margam, Amber Jannasch, Naomi Diaz, Catherine P. Riley, Weilin Sun, Yueh-Feng Li, William M. Muir, Jun Xie, Jing Wu, Fan Zhang, Jake Y. Chen, Eric L. Barker, Jiri Adamec, Barry R. Pittendrigh

    published 20 Apr 2011

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