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Showing 40 - 52 of 2,101

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Transient Exposure to Low Levels of Insecticide Affects Metabolic Networks of Honeybee Larvae

Kamila Derecka, Martin J. Blythe,  [ ... ], Reinhard Stöger

Rapid Purification of Recombinant Histones

Henrike Klinker, Caroline Haas,  [ ... ], Felix Mueller-Planitz

Methotrexate Is a JAK/STAT Pathway Inhibitor

Sally Thomas, Katherine H. Fisher,  [ ... ], Martin P. Zeidler

Drosophila Cuticular Hydrocarbons Revisited: Mating Status Alters Cuticular Profiles

Claude Everaerts, Jean-Pierre Farine, Matthew Cobb, Jean-François Ferveur

Impact of the Resident Microbiota on the Nutritional Phenotype of Drosophila melanogaster

Emma V. Ridley, Adam C-N. Wong, Stephanie Westmiller, Angela E. Douglas

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